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Business Chinese Intermediate Course

Jul 21, 2021



Business Chinese is suitable for learners who want to improve business communication and skills. This course is based on business dialogue and communication. Through real business cases and more practical business topics, you can improve your business Chinese with Chinese people and Chinese companies.


The Intermediate Business Chinese Course is suitable for students who have completed the basic course of Business Chinese or have reached HSK Level 3. The course content includes eight topics, each with 10 class hours, and a total of 80 class hours.

1. 到达中国Arrival in China

2. 在酒店At the Hotel

3. 正式见面Formal Meeting

4. 日程安排Itinerary Arrangements

5. 出席宴会Attending a Banquet

6. 初步洽谈Preliminary Negotiation

7. 参观工厂Visiting a Factory

8. 价格谈判Price Negotiations


Learning materials: Business Chinese teaching materials


Learning characteristics: The course content focuses on business operability, and trains and improves the business Chinese level and ability of students.


Small class teaching: graded teaching according to students' Chinese level, to ensure that students can learn in courses that suit them, and improve learning efficiency.

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